Blue Love Birds names, price in Pakistan, its breeding season & its 2 types:

All love birds


Blue Love birds is the small specie of parrots in the world. Love birds is most beautiful birds in the world with different colours . Love bird is one of the smaller parrot in the world. These colours looks very fascinating. There are many variations of love birds. All the colours or variations of love birds are very beautiful. Some love bird species are expensive and costly but mostly have low prices. Blue love birds are very beautiful specie with red or black eyes.

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Blue love birds

Types of Blue love birds

There are many types of Blue love birds but the most beautiful types are:

1- Blue-masked love bird

2- Peached face blue love bird

1- Blue-masked love bird

A pretty little parrot, Blue-masked love bird makes an adorable pet. It us very beautiful, playful, charming companion bird. This is an excellent bird for peoples.


Blue-masked love bird is are attractive due to its black face with red or blue eyes. The colour of wings and tales are blue. Its neck colour is white.

Blue masked love bird

2- Peached face blue love bird

A pretty little parrot, Peached face love bird makes an adorable pet. It us very beautiful, playful, charming companion bird. This is an excellent bird for peoples.


Peached face love bird is are attractive due to its peached face with red or blue eyes. The colour of wings and tales are blue. Its neck colour is white.

Peached faced love bird

Love bird breeding seasons:

There are two breeding seasons of all types of love birds.

1- January to April

2- June to July

Love birds food In breeding seasons, love birds like soft food like bread. But in daily routine, these birds eat small food like millet, rice etc.

Love bird as a pet:

Love birds are adorable pet. It is very beautiful, joyful, charming pet. A single love bird attached with his companion or a person.

Life span of love birds and size

All varieties of love birds have same life span. The life span of love birds are 10 to 15 years and the size of love bird is about 5.1 to 6.7 inches.

Best love bird:

Peached face love birds are best because this breed is very popular to be kept as pet. It can breed easily and we will find many variations in love birds.

Pocket parrot

Love birds is also called pocket parrot due to its small size. The size of love bird is about 5 to 7inches .So, we say that love birds are a pocket parrots.

Price in Pakistan and other countries:

The price of Blue love birds is about 12,000. But Blue love bird price is about 4 to 6 thousand per piece in Pakistan. In other countries, the blue love bird price is about 20 to 150 dollar.

Business of love birds:

There are many peoples that have love birds. They breed them and sale them to other peoples. They earn a lot of money due to love birds.

Benefits of love birds:

Love birds are also very auspicious for home. Because love birds maintain positive energy in the home. There are many peoples that earn money due to love birds.


Love birds are most beautiful parrots in the world. These birds can talk but not clearly. These birds become a adorable pet. These birds are very intelligent. These birds are also called pocket parrot.

Can love birds talk?

Yes, love birds talk but not clearly. They are the type of parrots and they have the ability to mimic human speech.

Are love birds intelligent?

Yes, the love birds are very intelligent and very charming small parrot in the world. They
recognize their partner or a person and love them.

Are love birds intelligent?

Yes, the love birds are very intelligent and very charming small parrot in the world. They
recognize their partner or a person and love them.

Are love birds a pet?

Yes, Love birds are adorable pet. It is very beautiful, joyful, charming pet. A single love bird
attached with his companion or a person.

Why love birds is also called pocket parrot?

Yes, love bird is also called pocket parrot. Love birds is also called pocket parrot due to its small size. The size of love bird is about 5 to 7 inches .So, we say that love birds are a pocket parrots.

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